Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I place an order with MO1 Global?
Orders are only placed via our website and accepted after they've been confirmed.
Upon order acceptance and dispatch, you'll receive a confirmation email.
Can my order be rejected?
Yes, orders may be rejected for various reasons, such as the product being out of
stock, your location outside the U.K., or a pricing error. In such cases, you'll be notified
and refunded. For further details, please refer to the T&Cs on our website at this LINK.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal. Payment is taken before
dispatch. If a payment fails, we’ll attempt to process it within 48 hours.
Where do you deliver?
We only deliver to the U.K. mainland (England, N. Ireland, Wales, Scotland, excluding
the Highlands and other U.K. Territory Islands).
Do I have to pay shipping costs?
All shipping costs are displayed for acceptance at the check-out.
DISCRETIONAL/COMMERCIAL: Orders over [•] are delivered free. There is a [•]
delivery charge within the U.K. mainland for orders under [•].
What is the delivery time?
Unless we specifically indicate otherwise, standard delivery takes 3 to 5 working days,
excluding weekends.
What if my delivery is delayed?
You'll be informed if a delay occurs due to factors outside our control. If the delay is
substantial, you can request a refund for any products not received.
Can I use more than one discount code?
No, only one discount code can be applied per order. If multiple codes are added, the
order may be rejected or cancelled.
How do I return a product?
Contact Customer Service at to initiate a return. Unless
specified otherwise, returns must be made within 14 days at your own cost.
How is my Personal Data used?
Our Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy govern how we handle your data. For further
details, please refer to those documents available on our website.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Send us an email to tell us what's up and someone from our Customer Service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to include your order number.
Please email us at